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iPhone, iPod & iPad apps for SLPs list by GeekSLP

iPad apps for SLPs

A while back I had created this list of apps for speech therapists that is now available on Scribed for FREE download. This list is updated at least once/month. You can feel free to download it and share with others. This is is divided into Articulation, fluency, language, cause and effect, and more. Here is the direct link to this 17 pages document on scribed:

I also accept suggestion to be added to this ever growing list!

Have a great week!

GeekSLP ( AKA Barbara Fernandes)

Comments (1)

I am the parent of a non-verbal 19 year old son with autism. He had a Dynavox for years and it has never grown to be what I had hoped it would for him. My school district is tight on funds for something such as an iPad purchase (even though they have money for some really nicely designed new office spaces) so I will likely be footing the bill for setting Tom up with new technology. Can you give me advice on how to start? I was thinking an iPad 2 with some of the apps you have listed on your website would be a great start but I don’t want to start investing without some expert advise!!!
Thank you for this website!!!!

Cathy Pinto
Kalamazoo , MI

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